Fake Product Alert

We receive complaints again and again about products that at first glance look like KMC, but after examination turn out to be inferior fakes. We are aware of this problem, but it is almost impossible for us to uncover all these sources and take action against the manufacturers.

To strengthen the effectiveness of our measures, we have partnered with Sentryc, a reputable brand protection company using AI technology, to actively monitor global marketplaces to quickly and efficiently track down and terminate sellers of fake KMC products. With a very high success rate and expeditious process, Sentryc will aid KMC to end these malicious attacks on both our brand, and ultimately your revenue.

The X-Series as a target

Our high end products – mainly KMC X-series – are currently affectedand are regularly offered on the major online sales platforms. The counterfeits can be recognized by the features documented by us on the products and packaging. It is difficult for product pirates to copy our high-quality and elaborately manufactured chains true to the original and of equal value. However, it is easy to copy a package and put it online and sell it. If then a counterfeit product arrives at your place, which does not do its job properly, this is annoying on the one hand, but on the other hand the possible damage caused to other components can be considerable.

Therefore our urgent recommendation to you: buy only from good specialist dealers or from trustworthy online sources.

This helps all honest traders online and offline. And it helps us, because we don‘t waste our manpower in the fight against product piracy, but can put all our energy into the further and new development of high-quality products.

Fake Alert "Product"

KMC Original:
01. KMC’s chamfer design: 4 areas, optimized shapes
02. KMC’s X-Bridge: asymmetric & functional design

01. Chamfer: 2 areas, poorly elaborated
02. X-Bridge: symmetrical, oversized, inaccurate

Fake Alert "Packaging"

KMC Original:
M – sharp bottom shape
C – trapezoidal opening

M – flat bottom shape
C – rectangular opening